Welcome to the Filmonik Manchester KinoKabaret 2009!
This is the official Kabaret blog. We'll be posting news, updates, amusing anecdotes, pictures of sleep deprived Kabaret attendees slumped over their Macs, previews, out-takes and anything else that takes our fancy. Think of it as the online equivalent of the KinoLab, except without the fancy editing equipment and the fridge full of Red Bull.
Comments are more than welcome, whether you're attending the Kabaret yourself or you've stumbled here from all the secret googlebombs we left around to catch people surfing for "sexy fun times." (If you're disappointed by the lack of sexy fun times on the blog, that's why you should have come to the Kabaret itself!). This is a public space, so feel free to talk amongst yourselves, but remember that "public" also means your mum could be watching, so try not to do anything that we might have to slap you for. Try not to swear too much, post pictures of your genitals or call anybody names and we'll all be cool.
If you're a Kabaret attendee and you think you have something that should be a front page post on this blog, get in touch with Steve, Goz or Phil or send an email to kabaret@filmonik.com and we'll exercise our keen editorial judgement, or just give it a cursory once over and slap it up, depending on what sort of a mood we're in. If you want to go further and blog about your experiences here, or are blogging on your own site and want us to link to you, again just let us know and we'll see what we can do.